Die besten 250 Spitäler der Welt 2023 – auch etwa 300.000 Pflegende sind Träger der Exzellenz
“ Die besten Spitäler der Welt stehen nicht nur für erstklassige Pflege und Betreuung, exzellente Forschung und medizinisch-therapeutische Top-Innovationen – sondern zusätzlich auch für Beständigkeit“, schreibt Newsweek-Chefredakteurin Nancy Cooper in ihrem Editorial.
Bereits zum fünften Mal publiziert das US-Journal eine Rangliste der besten 250 Spitäler weltweit. Darunter befindet sich jede zweite Klinik in Europa (125) bzw. jedes sechste Spital (42) im deutschsprachigen D-A-CH Raum. Erstmals wurde mittels qualifizierter Fragebögen auch die Zufriedenheit und Lebensqualität der Spitalspatient*innen erhoben.
Als bestes europäisches Klinikum rangiert die schwedische Karolinska Uniklinik in Solna auf Rang 6, gefolgt vom bestgereihten deutschen Klinikum, der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin (Rang 7). Dicht aufeinander folgen die besten Schweizer Spitäler Universitätsspital Zürich (12.), das Uniklinikum Lausanne (14) und das Unispital Basel (15.). Als bestgereihtes Klinikum Österreichs firmiert einmal mehr der Medizinische Universitätscampus am AKH Wien auf dem respektablen 30. Rang.
Mrs. Cooper schreibt zu den Hintergründen dieses Rankings:
„These are challenging times for hospitals. COVID-19 put unprecedented stress on health systems, as have inflation and global financial uncertainty. In the U.S. and around the world, leading hospitals are dealing with rising costs, aging populations and a medical workforce exhausted from battling a global pandemic.
Among the hallmarks of great hospitals, however, are not just first-class care, first-class research and first-class innovation. The very best institutions also share another quality: consistency. The world’s best hospitals consistently attract the best people and provide the best outcomes for patients as well as the most important new therapies and research. Of all the hospitals in the world, relatively few can do all those things year in and year out. The best belong to a very exclusive club.
To recognize them, Newsweek and global data firm Statista are proud to introduce our fifth annual listing of the World’s Best Hospitals 2023. This year, we have ranked over 2,300 hospitals in 28 countries, including one that is new to our list, Taiwan. For the first time, we ranked all top 250 global hospitals. We have also listed the best hospitals by country; each country list also includes a listing of top specialty hospitals.
We have also made other changes. This year we have added an important new pillar to our scoring model: for the first time, hospitals were surveyed regarding their PROMs implementation status. PROMs are defined as standardized, validated questionnaires completed by patients to measure their perception of their functional well-being and quality of life. The World’s Best Hospitals 2023 also includes new hospital quality metrics, most notably data from the Israeli National Program for Quality Indicators (INPQ) for Israel and the Danish Clinical Quality Program for Denmark. And we have added new accreditations for Thailand and Taiwan to the scoring model (For more details on the ranking criteria, see Methodology.)
The goal of this study is to provide a data-based comparison of hospital reputation and performance across countries. We hope this will be useful to patients and families seeking the best care for themselves and loved ones, as well as to hospitals as they benchmark themselves against their peers.
Quelle: NEWSWEEK, 02.04.2023